Miscellaneous Musings

One of the great joys of photography is the ability to wander around on foot, bike, car or train with a camera and take whatever photographs appear in the viewfinder or one's intuitive gaze. These images mostly do not form part of a narrative of a larger project, they are single images that stand on their own. This gallery of images is those that I have captured during my strolls in a park, driving to a location, or attending a family event. While they may not belong to a particular body of work, they become meaningful in their message or as a broader statement of my artistic vision. Miscellaneous Musing is about my adventures with photography and my passion for taking photographs.

(Click on the left and right arrows to advance the gallery)

“No place is boring, if you've had a good night's sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film.” - Robert Adams (1937 - )